Table of contents
- Andor László : In memoriam Ferenc Tokei
- Szalai Pál : Alexander Dubcek
- Albert Einstein : Why socialism?
- Borbély Tibor Bors : City with gardens or more perfect version of 1984
- Horváth Gizella : On Francois Furet: The passing of an illusion
- Noam Chomsky : On Stephane Courtois: The balck book of communism
- Thad Williamson : Walter LaFeber: Michael Jordan and the New Capitalism
- Helen Jefferson Lenskyj : The myth of clean sports
- Zanny Begg : The real history of the Olympics
- Csötönyi Sándor : Such is boxing (interview by Tamas Krausz)
- Mandel Miklós : Football from below
- Krausz Tamás : The globalisation of Hungarian football
- John Bellamy Foster : Monopoly capital at theturn of the century
- Székely-Doby András : The price of lasting growth
- Howard Waitzkin, Celia Iriart : How the US exports managed care?
- Christopher Phelps : Money and the US presidental race
- Kolumbiai gerillák : Get the streets against imperialist intervention!
- Márkus Imre : Raiway strike 2000 (interview)