Table of contents
- Arundhati Roy : Do turkeys enjoy Thanksgiving?
- Hegyi Gyula : The working class fades away?
- Saskia Sassen : The boulevards of Paris were built by the workers
- Ana Bazac : A few ideas to the state socialism debate
- Bartha Eszter : Workers after the workers’ state: ethnography of change in an ex-Socialist „top factory”
- Seumas Milne : The English miners’strike
- csé : Zoltan Muranyi (1960-2004)
- Bill Jr. Fletcher : on David Bacon: The children of NAFTA
- Melegh Attila : Globalisation and migration
- Ravi Ahuja : On the margin of the history of the Indian workers’ movement
- Scott William Hoefle : Political participation and public organisation in Middle Amasonia
- Timothy A. Wise : Mexican retailers in a global economy
- Bernard Duterme : Ten years of Zapatist revolt in Chiapas
- Immanuel Wallerstein : The Lula era
- Pierre Franklin Tavares : Why is there so many coups in Africa?
- Rémy Herrera : The effects of the American embargo on Cuba
- Baloldali Értelmiségi Konferencia : Declaration on the social contents of the EU Draft Constitution
- Francia Kommunista Párt : Citizens’ Charta for a different Europe