Analysing the world system also requires Eszmélet to be involved not only in examining the crisis from different angles but also to develop viable alternatives to it, or at least to detect and present such solutions. The first block in this issue represents this empirically oriented approach: lists attempts for community based production made in Hungary over the past years and presents one of the most successful European model, the chain of Longo maï cooperatives, which emerged on 1968 ideas and is working in many countries.
As the never missed theoretical analysis is concerned, now the critique on the false opposition of national and global capitalism is in focus: examining the financial system and the reasons and forms of the re-emergence of ethnic nationalism.
Table of contents
- Terbe Teréz : “Socios” and “Ecos”. Dilemmas of Community Economy
- Fülöp Ádám : Cradles of a Different Europe. The History of Longo Mai Cooperatives in Europe, 1968-2012
- Fülöp Ádám : Via Campesina. “Globalise Fight! Globalise Hope!”
- Don Kalb : The Deep Play of Finance, Demos and Ethnos in the New-Old Europe
- Szilágyi Ágnes Judit : The Situation of Women, Politics and Feminism in Latin-America Over the Past Two Decades
- Szarka Klára : Patricio Guzmán Campos the Recorder of the Life in Chile
- Szergej Szolovjov : The Unavoidable Solitude. Varlam Shalamov and the Theoretical Heritage
- Mark Goloviznyin : The “Liberation Theology” of Varlam Shalamov
- Szergej Szolovjov : Shalamov and Solzhenitsyn
- Tütő László : Resignation, “Better not to Know”, Being Busy Bees. Variations on Withdrawal
- Bartha Eszter : System-Changing Sociology. Critical Dialogues
- Artner Annamária : Global Capital System – National Responses?
- Gyáni Gábor : Untrue Readings or How to Constructa Disputant
- Krausz Tamás : Gábor Gyáni, Who Has Not Been Understood