This interview was made even before the first issue of Eszmélet was published, but it remained unedited and unpublished then. After 25 years now we present a curt version of this editorial conversation, since we believe that not only its questions, but also the answers were given are still relevant today.
Category Archives: Former issues
No. 101 | (Spring 2014)
Table of contents
- At the social crossroads (about capitalism and socialism)
- Mészáros István : Reflections on the New International
- Szabó Tamás, Fülöp Ádám : People without land, land without people. Material and spiritual expropriation of land in Hungary
- Fred Magdoff : Twenty-First-Century Land Grabs Accumulation by Agricultural Dispossession
- Mônica Dias Martins : Learning to Participate: The MST Experience in Brazil
- Laurent Delcourt : The expanding techniques of agrarian business on the South hemisphere
- Jancsó Miklós : This silly profession. An interview by Andrew James Horton
- Krzysztof Rucinski : Two men against history A comparative analysis films by Miklós Jancsó and Andrzej Wajda
- Barta Tamás : The early period of the Hungarian folk-dance movement – social ideology or national art?
- Fóris Ákos : The Holocaust in the area of the Western Group of Occupation Forces. Account of the Solicitor Division of the State Protection Authority in the case of Nándor Pápai, 12th of January, 1950.
- Bartha Eszter : Collective farms in the grip of the state
- Tütő László : Head Party – Belly Party
No. 100 | (Winter 2013)
Table of contents
- The past and future of Eszmélet. Frequent readers answer the question of the editors
- Eleonora de Lucena, Mészáros István : Barbarism on the horizon. An interview with István Mészáros by Eleonora de Lucena
- Szalai László, Lugosi Győző, Búr Gábor : Repression is cawing in a murder. Győző Lugosi talks to Gábor Búr and László Szalai
- Szigeti Péter, Andor László, Krausz Tamás : Capitalism has not been created by the EU… Lászó Andor answers Tamás Krausz and Péter Szigeti
- Szigeti Péter : Constructing the Political. The Problem of Political by Carl Schmitt, Marx, Weber and the Neo-Marxists
- Tütő László, Terbe Teréz : Transition Movement
- Peter North : Surviving Financial Meltdown: Argentina’s Barter Networks
- Eszterhai Viktor : The Guanxi in Asian Interstate Relations. Rethinking the China-centred Feudal Aid System
- Chris Hann : Time’s Arrow in Tázlár (and in Anthropology)
- Zolcsák Attila : The Chilean Student Movement
- Farkas Péter : In Defence of System-based Critical Economics
- Bartha Eszter : “I am Hungarian but a European”
- Tütő László : Two Insurrections
- Szarka Klára : Capa 100
- Appeal for an Egalitarian Europe
- Stéphane Madelaine, Vincent Liegey, Christophe Ondet, Anne-Isabelle Veillot : Degrowth Project, Manifesto for an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance
Photographer on the Street: under the Pretext of the Pictures by Vilmos Skuta
Whites in Africa
About the Dutch documentary Enjoy Poverty by Renzo Martens. (Inti Films, Renzo Martens Menselijke Activiteiten, 2009)