Category Archives: Former issues

The Spirits of Capitalism

In this chapter from his famous book Cool Capitalism, the author gives an overview of the main theories about the origins and spirit of capitalism. From Weber to Schumpeter, through Daniel Bell and representatives of the theory of managerial capitalism or even in the recent popular books by Boltanski and Jeremy Rifkin we can notice a standard overstatement of social and cultural changes that assets that capitalism has changed in its nature. Examining the emergence and fading of these popular theories, the author warns the reader to be cautious.

Pope Francis: Changes in the Vatican?

The author describes the changes in the leadership of the Catholic Church that was a surprise for many as a result of development. He shows the main directions of expected future changes stemming from the personality of the pope, the hints for the new strategy of the church, which also includes the possibility of the cooperation with the modestly anticlerical political left.

Neo-Pentecostalism in Latin America: Contribution to a Political Anthropology of Globalisation

By analysing the new religious movements – namely neo-protestant evangelical currents – the authors examines how isolated individuals try to fit globalisation and what the new religious communities contribute the nation and politics. They show how religion becomes a market product, how religion and community life is merchandised by these religious movements -which properly fit globalisation -, and how religious fundamentalism generates political fundamentalism.

Vatican’s Campaign against the Liberation Theology: Fear of Marxist Contamination

The article written in 1984 presents the methods used by the top clergy in the Catholic Church to discredit liberation theology. A series of show trials against a theological system and theory is followed across continents during the time of general oppression and that time existing right-wing dictatorships in Latin America. What was the reason for the strict rejection by the church concerning a theology, which was openly standing up for the oppressed? What did the church want to protect so fiercely and ultimately against whom?
Original article: François Houtart: La peur d'une contagion marxist. Une grande offensive de Vatican contre la théologie de la libération. Le Monde diplomatique 1984. See at: