Hieronymus Bosch and the art of the death agony of feudalism

The art of the painter from the Netherlands, despite its anarchist and irrational features, is a true picture of the age of transition, the death agony of feudalism and the birth of capitalism. Immense changes characterised that time: the feudal order was falling apart and the bourgeoisie of the towns attacked the old order and demanded rights. His art is of a world torn by conflicting powers, from which reason was ousted, where animal spirits ruled, the world of force and terror, when reality became a nightmare. That is, a world quite similar to ours.

Original article: In Defence of Marxism (Thursday, 23 December 2010) Alan Woods: Hieronymus Bosch and the art of the death agony of feudalism. See at  http://www.marxist.com/bosch-art-of-death-agony-of-feudalism.htm