The second election cycle after the regime change comes to its end soon. Eszmélet now gives a review on the meaning of this process in certain specific areas that receive less attention or little scientific interest like the world of TV serials and films, higher education or agriculture. Articles peek into books, journals and documents how left-wing authors in West Europe see the European Union that is advertised in the east as the future solution. At the end, the debate started in the 31st issue on the East Asian development model, especially whether the reforms in China could set an example for an alternative way of regime change in East Europe, is revived.
Table of contents
- Könczöl Csaba, Garai László, Lugosi Győző, Szűcs Katalin Ágnes : The Dallas phenomenon
- James Clarity : Inconvenient issues in a Chatolic society
- Krisztina Sztojanova : System change in the East Europen cinema
- Ursula Lipovec Cebron : Populist TV series in Slovenia
- Ludmila Bulavka : Mikhalkov – Burnt by the sun
- Gervai Pál, Trautmann László : The political economy of Dallas
- Andor László : A political reading of My Fair Lady
- Mocsáry József : Hungarian agriculture in the catch-22
- Gazsó Ferenc : Social development and higher education
- Csapody Tamás : Information or propaganda?
- Krausz Tamás : On the history of workers councils in Hungary
- Olivier Hoedeman : The myth of European Union
- Brian Burkitt : Unemployment in Western Europe
- Eszmélet : Spectre
- európai közgazdászok : Memorandum – Alternatives to competitive austerity
- Immanuel Wallerstein : Marx and the underdevelopment
- Matheika Zoltán : Organising labour processes in Japan
- Jordán Gyula : A comment on the paper of Geoffrey Owen