No. 37 | (Spring 1998)

1848 was the year of revolutions, and also an important turning point in world and Hungarian history. For the 150th anniversary Eszmélet publishes articles casting light on 1848 events and aftermaths from less known angles. Interpreting the commemoration in a wider sense, we search answers on questions how the meaning of revolution changed through the 20th century and how actual the questions of a revolution are in the present time lacking revolutions. We address the sociology of revolution as well.

Table of contents
  1. alfa : The revolution and those who do not need it
  2. Magyar Jenő : Lessons from the Communist Manifesto for the 21st century
  3. Szigeti Péter : The burgeois nation-state and beyond
  4. Diószegi István : The 1848 Hungarian revolution in international context
  5. Erényi Tibor : 1848 and the Hungarian left in 1848
  6. Henri Maler : Away with the past? An autopsy of communism
  7. Szalai Pál : Istvan Bibo’s concept of socialism
  8. Gilles Perrault : Communism: falsifications by a “black book”
  9. Vastag Margó : On the margin of the Soviet Thermidor
  10. Maróthy János : October: a light, a reflection or a will-o’-de-wisp
  11. William A. Pelz : October 1917: a model for Western Marxists?
  12. Konok Péter : Left-wing strategies: France 1968
  13. Kenneth McRobbie : Ilona Duczynska: losses and hopes
  14. Eszmélet , BAL : Forum on alternatives to neoliberalism
  15. Kate Hudson : Left politics in Europe
  16. Mihail I. Vojekov : Alternativy
  17. Guy Debord : The society of the Spectacle
  18. Geneviéve Fraisse, Barbara Schaeffer-Hegel : Revolution missed? The French revolution and women
  19. Susan Zimmermann : Hungary’s 1848 and the women