This issue of Eszmélet addresses on three main topics. First, the analysis of revolution started in the previous issue continues but now focuses on the 20th century. In addition to the revolution in Russia the articles mostly examine the events in Latin America, recalling the memory of Che Guevara many times. Second, the role and fate of the working class in Hungary and other parts of the world in the 20th century history and present day reality. Third, several articles examine the popular myths of neoliberal economic policy, the East European variations of these myths and also presenting possible alternatives to them.
Table of contents
- Thoma László, Szigeti Péter, Bőhm Antal, Tamás Pál, Laki László, Krausz Tamás : Whatever happened to the Hungarian working class?
- Somogyi Csaba : The treatment of unemployment in neo-liberal economic policy
- David Mandel : Revolution, counterrevolution and working class in Russia
- David M. Kotz, Fred Weir : Why did the USSR fail?
- Gyimitrij Csurakov : Workers’ self-management in the Russian revolution
- John McDermott : On the origins of the present world in the defeat of “the 60s”
- Alekszandr Nyikolajevics Taraszov : Students revolts and the media: the analysis of a phenomenon
- Albert Sterr : The three waves of the Latin-American guerilla struggle
- Andor László : US foreign policy from Fulbright to Albright
- William J. Fulbright : Revolution in Latin-America
- Marcos alparancsnok : World War 4 has begun
- Ahmed Ben Bella : My memories of Che
- Szigeti Péter : Reflections on the inheritance of a revolutionary humanist of the 20th century
- Arndt Hopfmann : The future of East Europen capitalism and the European integration
- Márkus Péter : A social alternative to neo-liberalism