The system change and also Eszmélet has its 10 year anniversary. To celebrate it we have organised an international conference on September 24-26, 1999 at Kossuth Klub, Budapest. Some of the speakers (Kate Hudson, Stephen Eric Bronner, Peter Gowan and Elmar Altvater) have sent us their contribution in advance that can be read in the current issue as well as the study sent to us by Immanuel Wallerstein.
One of the major topics of our ten year past was the problem of the “third way”, now discussed by Hungarian experts in this issue.
Table of contents
- Stephen Eric Bonner : Sicness onto death – International communism before the Flood
- Immanuel Wallerstein : Globalisaton or the age of transition?
- Kate Hudson : Ten years after 1989 – The emergence of a new European left
- Peter Gowan : The twilight of the European project
- Elmar Altvater : Bombs and human rights or the militarization of politics
- Régis Debray : The letter of a traveller to the President of the French Republic Jacques Chirac
- Bárdos-Féltoronyi Miklós, Hajdu Tibor, Szalai Erzsébet, Jemnitz János, Forgács Iván, Jakócs Dániel, Krausz Tamás, Harsányi Iván : The Nato war against Yugoslavia
- Krausz Tamás : History of the short 20th century
- Andor László : Historical moovie
- Horváth Gizella : System change and social criticism
- Szigeti Péter, Ferge Zsuzsa, Síklaky István, Szalai Pál, Tamás Pál : The relevance of the ‘third way’
- Síklaky István : A conceptual framework for the Third Way
- Eszmélet : A MEGA hit
- Eszmélet : The first ten years of Eszmelet