Table of contents
- Stephen Eric Bonner : The building of neoconservatism
- Rubicsek Sándor : Fifteen years in catchwords
- Szigeti Péter : From the competitive dictionary of competitive society
- Marosán György : The theory of liberal communism
- Andor László : Ronald Reagan from a distance
- Robin Cook : Protest against the war in Irak
- Immanuel Wallerstein : The US and Europe since 1945 till ptresent
- Ravi Arvand Palat : Squirming eagle, crouching tigers
- Bernát Péter : Iraq war books (Gombar-Volosin: Impossible war, Andor-Talas-Valki: Doomed to war, Csapody: Not in my name!)
- Lugosi Győző : on Ladanyi-Szelenyi: Various forms of exclision (East European Gypsies)
- Berki Tamás, Zámbó Tibor : Mako-Warhurst-Gennand: Emerging human resource practices, Mako-Simonyi: New paradigm of labour and dialogue
- Andrej Ballajev : Prespectives of socialism – present and future
- Laki László : The cost of living in the country after the system change
- Andre Mommen : The neoliberal revolution of Hungary. The success story of capitalist globalisation?
- Michal Polák : The politics of the system change and the time period after the transition nin Slovakia