Table of contents
- Michel Collon : Ten questions about the banlieues
- Kabai Imre : “Postindustrial” societies and the youth in modern sociology
- Reich Orsolya, Kiss Viktor : New politics or a rightist youth? An attempt to explain the political orientations of the Hungarian youth
- Tarnai István : On the book Social stratification and life events. The Hungarian youth in the postindustrial age by Imre Kabai
- Bartha Eszter : The poor rich. The late Kádár-system in the popular literature
- Alekszandr Nyikolajevics Taraszov : From the latest history of police provocation
- Csoma Lajos : Skinhead- the public enemy
- Bernard Duterme : The conditions, forms and first balance of the return of the Latin American left
- James Petras : The determining role of peasant movements in Latin America
- Julian Brookes, Richard Gott : Hugo Chávez and his Bolivarian revolution – Julian Brookes, the editor of the electric journal Mother Jones discusses with Richard Gott, the well-known Latin American reporter.
- America Vera-Zavala : Venezuela: the country of parallels
- Jonah Gindin : Made in Venezuela: variations on workers’ self-management
- Szigeti Péter : The philosopher of power – on the state
- Krausz Tamás : 1905 in the Leninist paradigm – a contribution. Lenin’s analysis of capitalism and the revolution
- V. I. Lenin : Lecture on the revolution of 1905
- Tamás Tibor : Search for alternatives against the “new oppressive regimes” – The international conference of the periodical Eszmélet in the Kossuth Klub on 14-16 October