No. 96 | (Winter 2012)

The main topic of this issue of Eszmélet is the "structural crisis of capitalism". Historical and theoretical analysis is presented on the social-economical features of "new capitalism" of Easter Europe or by the words of A. Tarasov on the "second edition of capitalism" on the semi-periphery. One crucial element of these is the regression in the agricultural development: the extreme weakness of the SME sector, that is a severe step backwards even comparing to the state socialist era. Although there is a historically determined inherent tension between the socialist-communist ideas of emancipation propagated by the state socialist system and its actual reality but a sophisticated judgement on the system is made in relation to the concurrent developments in Western Europe.

In the documents section a letter of József Szigeti is published from his archives, which casts light on the background why Ágnes Heller defamed István Mészáros. The sociographic photos of Lewis Wickes Hine from the "dark past of America" illustrate that the historical foundations of the most modern capitalism are still working this days despite any change in its present forms.


Table of contents
  1. Immanuel Wallerstein : The Wold Class Struggle: The Geography of Protest
  2. Nigel Swain : A Post-Socialist Capitalism
  3. Alekszandr Nyikolajevics Taraszov : The “Second Edition of Capitalism” in Russia
  4. Vámos György : Perpetrators and Scapegoats at the Hungarian Radio after 1945
  5. Susan Zimmermann : Gender Regime and Gender Struggle in Hungarian State Socialism
  6. Szarka Klára : Illustrated Chapters from the Dark Past of America. Photoes of Lewis Wickes Hine
  7. Révész József : József Szigeti as Philosopher (1921-2012)
  8. Szigeti József : Informative Contribution to the Bolivar Prize Case
  9. Ignacio Ramonet : WikiLeaks
  10. Tütő László : Resignation, “Better not to Know”, Being Busy Bees. Variations on Withdrawal No. 2 “Escape into Freedom”
  11. Koltai Mihály Bence : Why Ideology?