The main topic of this issue of Eszmélet is the "structural crisis of capitalism". Historical and theoretical analysis is presented on the social-economical features of "new capitalism" of Easter Europe or by the words of A. Tarasov on the "second edition of capitalism" on the semi-periphery. One crucial element of these is the regression in the agricultural development: the extreme weakness of the SME sector, that is a severe step backwards even comparing to the state socialist era. Although there is a historically determined inherent tension between the socialist-communist ideas of emancipation propagated by the state socialist system and its actual reality but a sophisticated judgement on the system is made in relation to the concurrent developments in Western Europe.
Table of contents
- Immanuel Wallerstein : The Wold Class Struggle: The Geography of Protest
- Nigel Swain : A Post-Socialist Capitalism
- Alekszandr Nyikolajevics Taraszov : The “Second Edition of Capitalism” in Russia
- Vámos György : Perpetrators and Scapegoats at the Hungarian Radio after 1945
- Susan Zimmermann : Gender Regime and Gender Struggle in Hungarian State Socialism
- Szarka Klára : Illustrated Chapters from the Dark Past of America. Photoes of Lewis Wickes Hine
- Révész József : József Szigeti as Philosopher (1921-2012)
- Szigeti József : Informative Contribution to the Bolivar Prize Case
- Ignacio Ramonet : WikiLeaks
- Tütő László : Resignation, “Better not to Know”, Being Busy Bees. Variations on Withdrawal No. 2 “Escape into Freedom”
- Koltai Mihály Bence : Why Ideology?