No. 98 | (Summer 2013)

Eszmélet is consequent on revealing the global reasons of local social conflicts. This approach is present in this issue by a variety of articles in the joint ideas and methodology, namely left-wing radicalism. As István Mészáros is citing Sarte in his foreword to his monograph on him: "Without falling into manicheism, one ought to intensify intransigence. At the extreme limit any Left-position […] is found to be 'scandalous.' This does not mean that one should look for scandal […] but that one should not dread it: it has to come, if the position taken is right, as a side-effect, as a sign, as a natural sanction against a Left-attitude."

The authors in this issue follow this intention, they briefly but thoroughly analyse the harshest contradictions of the global capital structure, that threat with social unrest: the still living and hurting heritage of Thatcherism, the tensions in the developments in Brazil on the periphery and the political economy of the crisis of the EU. The critiques on the monumental work by the Kapitány couple on the spiritual mode of production point towards searching a future alternative to the present.


Table of contents
  1. Mészáros István : The Work of Sartre: Introduction (1979), Introduction (2012)
  2. Emir Sader : Chávez a Reader of Mészáros
  3. Richard Seymour : Margaret Thatcher an Obituary from Below
  4. Valerio Arcary : Reform Spirit without Actual Reforms: Lula’s Government from a Historical Viewpoint (2003-2010)
  5. Artner Annamária : To the Anatomy of Pewripherial Development – the Case of Brazil
  6. François Houtart : Notes on Brazilian Amazonia and Latin-American Peasants’ Movements
  7. Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos : Dilemmas of the Government of Rafael Correa in Ecuador: Ecology vs. Capitalism
  8. Vajda Zsuzsa : Knowledge and Power at the outset of the 21st Century: School, Economy and Globalisation
  9. Szarka Klára : Disadvantages Multiplied: Photo Essays of Norbert Hartyányi
  10. Szigeti Péter : On the Alternative of the Intellectual Mode of Production
  11. Tütő László : Thinking and Production: Remarks to an Important Book
  12. Bózsó Péter : IMF Credit
  13. Tütő László : Resignation, ‘Better not to Know’, Being Busy Bees. Variations on Withdrawal No. 4 The Freedom of ‘Better to Know’ and ‘Better not to Know’’
  14. Artner Annamária : On the Nature of Contradictions Ripping Apart Europe
  15. Pogátsa Zoltán : The Political Economy of the European Integration
  16. Decllaration of the Social Movements Assembly WSF Tunisia 29 March 2013