Category Archives: Periodical articles

The Holocaust in the area of the Western Group of Occupation Forces. Account of the Solicitor Division of the State Protection Authority in the case of Nándor Pápai, 12th of January, 1950.

The participation of the Hungarian occupying troops in the Nazi genocide in the Soviet territories lately has got into the focus of attention. A nation-wide debate has emerged in Hungary, and it shows that it could be rewarding to deepen the researches among the documents kept on the shelves of the Hungarian archives as well. This document is an account of an investigation by the Hungarian authorities after the war about the sequential mass murders. It reveals that despite the former statement of the literature, the troops of the Western Group of Occupation Forces actively took part in the Holocaust.

The early period of the Hungarian folk-dance movement – social ideology or national art?

The beginnings of Hungarian dance-house movement in its present form were in the 1970s. Nevertheless, it has important precedents already between the world wars and after WWII. There are no such widely known legendaries about these earlier folk dance movements, but it is still important to study them from the aspects of cultural- and social histories and of the history of ideas as well.

The expanding techniques of agrarian business on the South hemisphere

Agrarian business corporations, the main winners of globalization and the designers of the system that fulfils their demands are continuing their concentrating and expanding strategies. Endued or supported by the states and international organizations they attempts to force their socially excluding and ecologically destructive models of development on the southern countries, which also undermines the safety of food supply there.

Learning to Participate: The MST Experience in Brazil

Maybe the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) of Brazil has one of the hugest social base and most radical leftist program in Latin America. It constitutes an unavoidable reference for all contemporary leftist peasant movements both in Latin America and in the other continents as well. Its legendary combative land occupations and its highly organized and conscious autonomist system of popular education in the spirit of Paulo Freire designate the MST to be the most massive and theoretically most advanced bloc of the Via Campesina. The author, a Brazilian sociologist, presents us a relatively detailed account of the main practices of the movement, of its theoretical starting points and also its practical results.

Twenty-First-Century Land Grabs Accumulation by Agricultural Dispossession

The main incentive for the multiform land grabs is the utilitarian, profit-oriented use of land. Among the leitmotivs of the present wave of land grabs, especially on the global South, one could find the increasing ecological problems, and the speculation for the likely future boom of food prices. The centralization of land control and the food production that is dominated by profit based industrialized factory farms is hamstringing agrarian small producers and is aggravating the population of slums; from the other hand it is incompatible with the needs of an ecologically sustainable agriculture and the food sovereignty of the peoples.