No. 59 | (Autumn 2003)

Table of contents
  1. Tamás Pál : Retorical traps. The “New World Order” and the global structure
  2. Valki László : The fate of the United Nations and the international law
  3. Bárdos-Féltoronyi Miklós : I have not heard about the birth of a new world order in the Spring of 2003
  4. Immanuel Wallerstein : Does the Western world still exist?
  5. Andre Mommen : The world after the war against Iraq
  6. Elmar Altvater : From the competition of currencies to the war of currencies. What happens if the oil trade will be conducted in euros instead of dollars in the future?
  7. Eric J. Hobsbawm : Where is the American Empire heading?
  8. Mészáros István : Militarism and the future wars
  9. Stanley Aronowitz : Class rule: utopia on hold
  10. Konok Péter : On Gabriel Kolko: Another Century of War
  11. Susan Zimmermann : On Hannes Hofbauer: Osterweiterung. Vom Drang nach Osten zur peripheren EU-Integration.
  12. Dorothee Bohle : Neo-liberal stuctural change and transnational capital in the deepening of European integration and in the enlargement of the EU
  13. Morva Tamás : European integration and the Eastern enlargement of the EU
  14. Szalai Erzsébet : The Socialism that existed – and its lessons
  15. Sándor György : Reflections on the critique of the books on János Kádár
  16. V. I. Lenin : Lenin on Béla Kun – what is left of the Lenin-heritage
  17. Karácsony Mihály : On the Hungarian co-operative movement
  18. Lévai Katalin, Gazsó Ferenc, Ferge Zsuzsa, Ágh Attila, Csányi Vilmos, Varga Erzsébet : Responsibility, justice and solidarity