Table of contents
- Tamás Pál : Retorical traps. The “New World Order” and the global structure
- Valki László : The fate of the United Nations and the international law
- Bárdos-Féltoronyi Miklós : I have not heard about the birth of a new world order in the Spring of 2003
- Immanuel Wallerstein : Does the Western world still exist?
- Andre Mommen : The world after the war against Iraq
- Elmar Altvater : From the competition of currencies to the war of currencies. What happens if the oil trade will be conducted in euros instead of dollars in the future?
- Eric J. Hobsbawm : Where is the American Empire heading?
- Mészáros István : Militarism and the future wars
- Stanley Aronowitz : Class rule: utopia on hold
- Konok Péter : On Gabriel Kolko: Another Century of War
- Susan Zimmermann : On Hannes Hofbauer: Osterweiterung. Vom Drang nach Osten zur peripheren EU-Integration.
- Dorothee Bohle : Neo-liberal stuctural change and transnational capital in the deepening of European integration and in the enlargement of the EU
- Morva Tamás : European integration and the Eastern enlargement of the EU
- Szalai Erzsébet : The Socialism that existed – and its lessons
- Sándor György : Reflections on the critique of the books on János Kádár
- V. I. Lenin : Lenin on Béla Kun – what is left of the Lenin-heritage
- Karácsony Mihály : On the Hungarian co-operative movement
- Lévai Katalin, Gazsó Ferenc, Ferge Zsuzsa, Ágh Attila, Csányi Vilmos, Varga Erzsébet : Responsibility, justice and solidarity